:date: 2016-08-25 ========================= Thursday, August 25, 2016 ========================= Lino Care moving forward ======================== Yesterday I had a meeting with Johannes, and now I worked on :ticket:`1128` (Miscellaneous optimizations for :ref:`care`). Today is a meeting with Annalisa, Lukas and Carl. :func:`lino.modlib.notify.models.clean_seen_notifications` now also deletes unseen notifications (if they are older than 24 hours). :class:`lino.modlib.notify.models.MyMessages.get_welcome_messages` was emitting its message also to users who cannot see this table (because they don't satisfy `required_roles`). New field `Users.callme_mode` and new table `OtherUsers`. This is because they want normal users to be able to see some information (phone, gsm, remarks, ...) I fixed a bug in :mod:`lino.modlib.extjs` which caused row actions to not get disabled in a detail form with `hide_top_toolbar` set to `True`. In :ref:`extjs6` that bug didn't exist. I changed the `button_text` of :class:`AssignToMe ` from [☝] to [✋].