:date: 2016-08-24 ==================================== 20160824 (Wednesday, 24 August 2016) ==================================== Hamza added a series of badges to the Lino README.rst file. This looks nice, but the badges were visible only on `GitHub `_ and not on `PyPI `__ nor on `lino-framework.org `__. Hamza, you didn't know the following: Until now I was using the convention of defining the content of :xfile:`README.rst` in the :xfile:`setup_info.py` file, and running :cmd:`inv readme` (or :cmd:`inv bd`) which overwrites the README.rst file. The advantage of this rule is that we have the same content for README.rst and the "long description" on PyPI (which is also inserted on lino-framework.org). For Lino and XL currently this didn't happen because they don't have any `doc_tree`, and I had another rule (in :mod:`atelier.invlib`) which said "when there are no docs, then the README file is manually maintained". But I now removed that (latter) rule so that README.rst is always overwritten when SETUP_INFO contains a `long_description`. And I moved the badges definitions to the :xfile:`setup_info.py` file. I also adapted :mod:`commondata` and subpackages to this new rule. TODO (Hamza, I leave this to you if you have time): - The coverage *badges* for Lino and XL should both link to the coverage *result* of Book. - Building the docs caused warnings "nonlocal image URI found: https://readthedocs.org/projects/lino/badge/?version=latest". I needed to set `tolerate_sphinx_warnings=True ` in :ref:`book`, but that's not a good thing. Please redefine the badges using ``.. raw:: html`` directive so that no warning is given, and then reset tolerate_sphinx_warnings to False.