:date: 2016-08-19 ======================= Friday, August 19, 2016 ======================= I updated the :ref:`community` section and started a new page :ref:`lino.dev.interview`. I tested the :ref:`dev.install` guide and discovered that it needs more changes. - :cmd:`inv prep` failed when everything was installed as instructed. I added :mod:`lino_cosi` and several other dependencies to :ref:`book`. And then I released :ref:`cosi` 0.0.3. TODO: - It is *not* necessary to define a :envvar:`LINO_CACHE_ROOT`. This section should go to a later tutorial. - It seems that we need to split the installation guide: one version for those who just want to see a quick result and another version which installs a full developer environment. The quickstart version would clone only the :ref:`book` repository. This will work of couse only when we get the templates problem fixed. Note that the :ref:`book` project is probably the only one for which a version on PyPI makes no sense because it is solely for educational, testing and documentation purposes and not meant for use on a production server. - Also :cmd:`inv test` now works almost out of the box, except e.g. for a `TemplateNotFound: iban/uppercasetextfield.js`. The files *are* contained in the tar.gz file, but it seems that they don't get unpacked. In my :xfile:`~/.invoke.py` I have:: sdist_dir = '/home/luc/work/book/docs/dl' Now I can create an sdist archive in that directory:: $ go cosi ; inv sdist This does not get published on PyPI since I don't add the ``upgrade`` option. And then I can simulate a "real" install via PyPI by doing:: $ pip install -f /home/luc/work/book/docs/dl/ lino-cosi