:date: 2016-07-30 ======================= Saturday, July 30, 2016 ======================= I finished working on :ref:`lino.tutorial.polls` and then wrote to :ref:`grigorij`: Thanks once more for your patience. The biggest problem was maybe that Django reorganized their beginner tutorial, you must now read the first two chapters. But there were quite some other changes, too, so please refresh your browser and walk through that tutorial once more from the beginning. Yes, I imagine that I am asking much from you. The problem with writing documentation for beginners is that you need a beginner for "testing" whether it works, and every human can be a beginner only once because when he reads some document a second time (after a change), then he's no longer a real beginner... Let's hope that many more beginners are coming after you :-) Defining the detail layout of a table ===================================== I worked on :ticket:`1076` (Wenn man Aktivität via Statusbericht öffnet, hat man kein komplettes Detail). Here is how to reproduce this problem: - Make sure you have yesterday's version of the :ref:`lino`, :ref:`xl`, :ref:`cosi` and :ref:`voga` repositories. - Start a development server:: $ cd voga/lino_voga/projects/roger $ python manage.py initdb_demo $ runserver - Log in as robin. Click on "001 Greece 2014" in the Status Report. The detail window has only three tabs (not four), and in the `Enrolments` tab there are (among others) two columns "Start date" and "End date" which should not be there. You can see the correct detail window when you use the main menu :menuselection:`Activities --> Journeys` and double-click on the "Greece 2014" row. The solution was to implement a custom :meth:`get_detail_action ` for :class:`lino_xl.lib.courses.models.Course`:: def get_detail_action(self, ar): if self.line_id: area = self.line.course_area if area: table = rt.models.resolve(area.courses_table) return table.detail_action return super(Course, self).get_detail_action(ar)