:date: 2016-07-26 ================================ 20160726 (Tuesday, 26 July 2016) ================================ I fixed two trivial failures in the test suite of :ref:`book`. Anzahlungsrechnungen ==================== Ticket :ticket:`1059`. Alexa and Roger agreed tht their original implementation plan was overkill. We just need to adapt their print template so that it includes information about advance payments. In :ref:`voga`, the template used to print a sales invoice is :xfile:`sales/VatProductInvoice/Default.odt`. This file is in the :xfile:`config` directory of :mod:`lino_xl.lib.trading`. It is an :term:`appy.pod` which uses itself two Jinja templates :xfile:`sales/VatProductInvoice/body.html` and :xfile:`sales/VatProductInvoice/trailer.html`. Local system admins might override it with a local version, but our goal is to provide a robust template which is generally usable and easily extendable using documented methods. do text from jinja('sales/VatProductInvoice/body') do text from jinja('sales/VatProductInvoice/trailer') In :ref:`lino.admin.appy_templates`, the :func:`jinja ` no longer automatically adds `.html` because that was a misfeature. Zwei neue Teilnehmerfilter ========================== Added two new filter parameters :attr:`lino_voga.lib.courses.models.Pupils.course` and :attr:`lino_voga.lib.courses.models.Pupils.partner_list`. Adressetiketten drucken ======================= do text from html(rec.address_html)