:date: 2016-07-21 ======================= Thursday, July 21, 2016 ======================= I made a release in :ref:`cpaschatelet`, and since today they are not working in Belgium, I had time to explore some problems I encountered more deeply than usual. Scheduling background tasks and installing Supervisor ===================================================== It was my second or third Supervisor on a production server, and I am really satisfied with the combination Schedule and Supervisor. Now I updated the docs about `admin.linod`. Later I also added a page :ref:`dg.plugins.linod`, optimized the API and reported :ticket:`1069`. Configure logging ================= It seems that messages logged to the ``console`` logger are not shown when working through a terminal on a remote server. I wrote a little script :file:`pinglog.py` (and added it to :file:`lino_book/projects/polly`) so you can easily try yourself:: from lino.api import dd dd.logger.info("pinglog via dd.logger.info()") import logging logging.getLogger('django').info("pinglog to logger django") logging.getLogger('lino').info("pinglog to logger lino") logging.getLogger('lino.foo').info("pinglog to logger lino.foo") logging.getLogger('foo.lino').info("pinglog to logger foo.lino") Here is the output on my machine:: $ python manage.py run pinglog.py Started manage.py run pinglog.py (using lino_book.projects.polly.settings.demo) --> PID 6764 pinglog via dd.logger.info() pinglog to logger django pinglog to logger lino pinglog to logger lino.foo Done manage.py run pinglog.py (PID 6764) As expected, the last message does *not* get logged, all others do. When I run the same command in a terminal on a remote server, then I see no output, although all except the last message get correctly logged to the :xfile:`system.log` file. I started a new documentation page :ref:`host.logging`. I introduced a new (optional) environment variable :envvar:`LINO_LOGLEVEL`. Odd behaviour of DurationField with `default` ============================================= When restoring the dump, I got this error message:: - esf.ClientSummary {u'esf50': [u'This field cannot be null.'], u'esf60': [u'This field cannot be null.'], u'esf70': [u'This field cannot be null.']} (170 object(s) with primary key 1, 2, ... 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189) This is strange, because I don't want them to be nullable, and they all have ``default=Duration("0:00")`` specified, so why do they now contain `None`? Yes, :class:`lino_welfare.modlib.esf.models.ClientSummary` is indeed the first model ever which uses a :class:`DurationField ` with a default value. I started to search for bugs in the application logic in :mod:`lino.modlib.summaries` and :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.esf`. I then saw that :cmd:`pm dump2py` did not write the "0:00" values correctly. Here is what it generates for every record:: loader.save(create_esf_clientsummary(1,None,2012,None,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,None,None,None,116,None,False,False,False,None,u'')) And here is a code snippet to verify the problem: >>> from lino import startup >>> startup('lino_welfare.projects.chatelet.settings.demo') >>> from lino.api.doctest import * >>> ClientSummary = rt.models.esf.ClientSummary >>> obj = ClientSummary.objects.all()[0] >>> results = ClientSummary._meta.get_field('results') >>> print(obj.master) AUSDEMWALD Alfons (116) >>> print(obj.esf50) # AFTER BUGFIX: 0:00 None >>> fld = ClientSummary._meta.get_field('esf50') >>> fld.__class__ >>> print(fld.value_from_object(obj)) # AFTER BUGFIX: 0:00 None >>> print(fld.get_default()) 0:00 >>> obj.full_clean() # AFTER BUGFIX no traceback Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValidationError: {u'esf50': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.'], u'esf60': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.'], u'esf70': [u'Ce champ ne peut pas \xeatre vide.']} >>> from lino.utils.html2text import html2text >>> from lino.modlib.lino_startup.management.commands.dump2py import Command >>> # ses = rt.login() >>> # print(html2text(tostring(results.value_from_object(obj, ses)))) >>> cmd = Command() >>> print(cmd.value2string(obj, fld)) # AFTER BUGFIX '0:00' None >>> from lino.utils.quantities import Duration >>> print(Duration("0:00")) 0:00 Note that above snippet no longer passes now since the bug is fixed. I used doctest in lieu of a debugger as follows:: $ python -m doctest docs/blog/2016/0721.rst The problem was in :meth:`lino.core.fields.DurationField.from_db_value`:: def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): return Duration(value) if value else None This must be:: def from_db_value(self, value, expression, connection, context): return Duration(value) if value else self.get_default() Two other field definitions had their own implementation of :meth:`from_db_value`, I adapted them as well. As a result of all this we have one bug less in Lino: - Until now Lino did not support well the case of defining a `default` value for fields of type :class:`QuantityField `, :class:`DurationField ` or :class:`IncompleteDateField `. Changed API for these fields: when `blank` is True, then `null` must be True as well. The statement "QuantityFields are implemented as CharFields and therefore should *not* be declared `null=True`. But if `blank=True`, empty strings are converted to `None` values." is now obsolete. Failing builds on drone.io ========================== Builds on drone.io for :ref:`lino`, :ref:`welfare` and others failed because html5lib refused to install with earlier versions:: html5lib requires setuptools version 18.5 or above; please upgrade before installing (you have 0.9.8) We had that on Travis before. I added a line ``pip install -U setuptools`` to the `settings `__ of these project. Rendering "normal html" inside an ExtJS panel ============================================= Here is another topic. :ticket:`1067`. We might need this for converting to ExtJS6. Hamza and I have been looking at a layout problem which I suspect to be related to the `htmlText` CSS class defined in :xfile:`lino.css`. In Lino we often have fragments of custom HTML content (generated by application code) which we want to display in some ExtJS panel. - :meth:`get_slave_summary ` methods - Fields defined using `dd.virtualfield`, especially `dd.HtmlBox` - Fields defined using `dd.displayfield` - Fields defined using `dd.constant` - The :attr:`message ` of a response to some action. Application code on these places currently does something like:: return E.div(*body, class_='htmlText') or:: return u"""
""".format(html) Both methods are being used. `E.div` is preferred in general, except when rendering chunks of HTML coming from a RichTextField or from a template (because in these cases it makes no sense to parse this HTML just to wrap it into an ElementTree which anyway will just be rendered as a string. New functions :meth:`ar.html_text ` and :func:`rt.html_text `, and :meth:`lino.modlib.extjs.ext_renderer.ExtRenderer.html_text`.