:date: 2016-07-12 ====================== Tuesday, July 12, 2016 ====================== Configuring logging =================== I fixed :ticket:`709`. This problem was indeed caused by Django's changed handling of the :setting:`LOGGING` and :setting:`LOGGER_CONFIG` settings. Lino no longer modifies these settings, and the :mod:`lino.utils.log` module is no longer used. Lino now "extends" Django's way of configuring logging as explained in the new method :meth:`setup_logging `. We also have a new site attribute :attr:`logger_filename `. Lino Care continued =================== I had a voice meeting with :ref:`annalisa` which produced a nice list of new ideas for :ref:`care`. I summarize them in German. - Kompetenzen automatisch löschen, wenn Benutzer gelöscht wird. - Menüstruktur: "Fähigkeiten (alle)" und "Fähigkeiten (hierarchisch)" nebeneinander und im Hauptmenü unter einem Punkt "Fähigkeiten". - Fähigkeiten: Referenz raus - Es fehlen noch viele Übersetzungen - Im Detail eines Produkts die Kompetenzen anzeigen. - "Produkte" umbenennen nach "Optionen" - "Produkte" ins Menü "Konfigurierung" - Kontakte : komplett raus - users.User : inherit Adressable - "Stars" übersetzen nach "Favoriten" bzw. "beobachtete Tickets". - Uploads, Outbox und Excerpts raus :ref:`care` is the first application application that uses :mod:`lino_xl` but does *not* use :mod:`lino_xl.lib.contacts` Side effects: - It was not possible to remove an automatically installed plugin using :meth:`get_plugin_modifiers`. - Moved the `hide_region` attribute from :mod:`lino_xl.lib.contacts` :mod:`lino_xl.lib.countries` - You can now manually set :attr:`lino.core.actors.Actor.abstract` to `True` when you want to hide a whole table. Usage example is :class:`lino_noi.lib.tickets.ui.MyKnownProblems` which makes no sense without :mod:`contacts` installed. So I can simply say:: class MyKnownProblems(Tickets): ... abstract = not dd.is_installed('contacts') Two bugfixes which I also applied to :mod:`lino_extjs6.extjs6.elems`: - :class:`RichTextField` lost is verbose_name when tinymce was installed. That's fixed by the new line ``kw.update(label=field.verbose_name)`` in :class:`lino.modlib.extjs.elems.TextFieldElement` and :class:`lino_extjs6.extjs6.elems.TextFieldElement` - :meth:`lino.modlib.extjs.elems.Panel.wrap_formlayout_elements` now does not add a Wrapper around hidden elements. That was the reason for :ticket:`1039` (which had been reported in my head only). I checked in because my manuel test via web interface seemed satisfying. TODO: adapt test suites. Release on :ref:`oikos` ======================== I did a release on :ref:`oikos`. And for their site I thought that it would be a good idea to use the officially released versions of :ref:`lino`, :ref:`xl`. I also thought that it would be a good idea to unite the version numbering of :ref:`lino`, :ref:`xl` and :ref:`book`. So I released version 1.7.3. of that our Trio. And then I had a blocking bug in :ref:`xl` which had slipped through the test suite: :message:`TypeError: notify() takes at most 4 arguments (5 given)`. So I had to do a bugfix release 1.7.4 at least for :ref:`xl`. Now it would be a bit strange to release version 1.7.4 of the other two (:ref:`lino` and :ref:`book`) without any code change, just to have the version numbers synchronized.