:date: 2016-07-11 ===================== Monday, July 11, 2016 ===================== Lino under Python 3 =================== I found a solution for :ticket:`1036`. I don't understand why, but the problem disappeared when I added `universal_newlines=True `__ to my :func:`Popen` calls. As a result, :mod:`atelier` now passes again under both Python versions on `Travis CI `__. While I was there, I cleaned up the failures of the Lino test suite under Python 3. I still don't trust in the :func:`atelier.utils.dict_py2` function, I prefer to use :func:`json.dumps`. Anyway both methods failed on `dict`\ s with more than one item. I converted snippets like this:: >>> dict_py2(expr) {'name_de': 'Hallo', 'name': 'Hello'} to:: >>> expr == {'name_de': 'Hallo', 'name': 'Hello'} True I also had problems with snippets like this: >>> import json >>> print(json.dumps(list(streets_of_eupen())[:5])) ["Aachener Stra\u00dfe", "Akazienweg", "Alter Malmedyer Weg", "Am Bahndamm", "Am Berg"] My lesson here was that :func:`json.dumps` cannot be used when the output contains non-ASCII characters... Next result: also the :ref:`lino` Lino Core :mod:`lino` now passes again under both Python versions on `Travis CI `__. Protecting against spam ======================= :ref:`andi` explained me why my IP address had been regarded as a spammer. The postfix I am running there did no SPAM control at all. Mails arriving at adresses like luc@lino-framework.org or info@lino-framework.org were happily forwarded to smtp.elisa.net Now that Lino was getting more known, there is more spam arriving at these adresses. This never disturbed me because I use Thunderbird which has a good spam filter. The problem is that Elisa started to increase their spam controls. Which actually is not a problem but a good thing. So they accused me of polluting the Internet with Spam, they didn't know that I was polluting only my own inbox. I now read `this `__ and other sources, and configured my Postfix to do at least the basic hygiene.