:date: 2016-06-19 ===================== Sunday, June 19, 2016 ===================== I deployed the latest version to :ref:`eiche`. A quick spontaneous change which they will probably like: The detail_layout of a sales invoice in :ref:`voga` now shows :attr:`balance_before ` and :attr:`balance_to_pay ` instead of total_excl and total_vat. That's because our first target group are the other educational organisations in Eastern Belgium, none of whom needs to care about VAT. #980 (Export vers Excel ne fontionne pas) ========================================= The :ref:`cpaschatelet` server reported two errors related to :mod:`lino.modlib.export_excel` and caused by :ticket:`913`: - "ImportError: No module named openpyxl" was because they didn't have `openpyxl` installed. I added `openpyxl` to `install_requires` and removed `xlwt` and `xlrd` which were still being declared there though they are no longer used. - Even with `openpyxl` installed, we had a `UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xc9' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)` whenever some column header contained non-ascii characters. This case was not covered by :ref:`lino.specs.export_excel`. I added a section which repeats the request for French user "Romain". I had to add `fr` to the :attr:`languages ` of :mod:`lino_book.projects.min1.settings`. An unrelated test, :ref:`lino.specs.invalid_requests` was in this document until now, now it is in its own document. - :mod:`lino.api.doctest` now does ``from builtins import str``. ImportError: cannot import name ctask ===================================== :ref:`james` reported a problem (and its solution) which occured when using the new pyinvoke version 0.13 (`released 10 days ago `_). I adapted :mod:`atelier.invlib` so that it now works with both versions. I registered this problem as :ticket:`981`. It was also the reason for build failures on Travis which had started last week and which I just didn't yet take time to look at since then. Congratulations to :ref:`james` for his first code contribution. Minor optimizations in Lino Noi =============================== I removed the boolean fields :attr:`closed`, :attr:`standby` and :attr:`feedback` of a ticket from the user interface. This field is obsolete. Convert fab release to inv release ================================== About the :func:`abort` function: https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke/issues/269 Released Lino 1.7.2 =================== The main reason for this release was that I wanted to test the :cmd:`inv release` command. But anyway it was time for the next release. And indeed, version 1.7.1 failed (has no files), that's why I did a second attempt.