:date: 2016-06-05 ==================== Sunday, June 5, 2016 ==================== ParamsLayout on tickets.Tickets has no params_store =================================================== Hamza and I continue to receive, sporadically, series of error messages like the following:: Exception at /tickets/Ticket/39 20160329 params_layout ParamsLayout on tickets.Tickets has no params_store in ... I opened :ticket:`960` for this. It seems that the problem comes only when the server did not yet serve any *list* view. When the problem is "active", any public request for the **detail** of a ticket (e.g. http://bugs.lino-framework.org/tickets/Ticket/960) causes the internal server error. To "deactivate" the problem, it is enough to do a request to the index page (http://bugs.lino-framework.org). Which means that in some situations Lino somehow "forgets" to set that `params_store` at startup. The problem is reproduceable as follows:: $ cd lino_noi/projects/bs3 $ python manage.py runserver Then point your browser to some detail view (e.g. *without* previously requesting the index view I added a (hidden) test case in :ref:`noi.specs.bs3` which reproduces the problem. I fixed the problem by adding, :mod:`lino.core.requests`, an otherwise useless call to :meth:`get_layout_handle `:: # call get_layout_handle to make sure that # params_store has been created: self.actor.params_layout.get_layout_handle( self.renderer.plugin) Yearly reports for ESF ====================== Continued to work on :ticket:`584`. The initial observation was that we cannot manually create a summary in :class:`SummariesByClient `. - Converted from `wkhtmltopdf` to `weasyprint` - Updated :ref:`welfare.specs.esf` - New exception :class:`lino.core.exceptions.UnresolvedChoice` - The icon for :class:`UpdateSummariesByMaster ` now is a lightning, not a bell. - :attr:`Summaries.allow_create ` is now False. - :class:`SummariesByClient ` now has :attr:`slave_grid_summary` "html". - Adapted some test suites TODO: - Don't show a sum for the years of a summary - Display a help text for each column