======================= Tuesday, March 15, 2016 ======================= Here in summary the problem which locked me for almost one week (:ticket:`825`): >>> from builtins import str >>> import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET >>> a = ET.Element('a') >>> a.set(str('name'), str('10')) >>> ET.dump(a) Above output (which of course is invalid XML syntax) comes under Python 2. Under Python 3 it is correct:: The explanation is that `python-future `__ introduces a special helper class `newstr` to simulate, under Python 2, the behaviour of Python 3 strings. But `xml.etree.ElementTree `__ doesn't know about `python-future` and produces invalid XML when you feed it with such a string. If you use `ElementTree` and want to support both 2 and 3, then avoid `newstr` and use `six.text_type` instead. After all `python-future` is a higher-level compatibility layer than six which tries to save you some work. Because the same problem occured in other places as well, I tried to systematically replace all:: from builtins import str by:: import six str = six.text_type But that was not good. Many doctests now failed again because one advantage of future's `newstr` class was to get printed without the "u" in front of the string literal... This example shows that the `newstr` class is not a useless luxus. Lino fulfilling your biggest wishes =================================== I have about four customers who are urgently waiting for me advancing with their project. How to chose which one to serve first? Today I used a new technique: - I intuitively chose one of them. (Today it was Alexa because I believe that she is the one who is most locked without my progress. The others aren't less important but they have lots of other things to do as well.) - I asked her "What is your biggest wish? (only one, and only from those which I am able to fulfill)" - She answered without hesitation: :ticket:`766`. Her non hesitating answer was a confirmation that she was the right candidate to get a wish fulfilled. - I worked a few hours on :ticket:`766` to fullfill her wish, then did a release. And now I will hopefully sleep well and long.