====================== Tuesday, March 1, 2016 ====================== Deleting a starred object left the stars with broken GFK "owner" ================================================================ I had yet another occurence of a problem which I now reported and fixed as :ticket:`805`:: Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "/lino/lino/core/site.py", line 2935, in get_welcome_messages for msg in h(ar): File "/lino/lino/modlib/stars/models.py", line 149, in welcome_messages for obj in qs]) File "/lino/lino/core/requests.py", line 711, in obj2html return self.renderer.obj2html(self, *args, **kwargs) File "/lino/lino/modlib/extjs/ext_renderer.py", line 369, in obj2html h = self.instance_handler(ar, obj) File "/lino/lino/modlib/extjs/ext_renderer.py", line 357, in instance_handler a = obj.get_detail_action(ar) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_detail_action' This was disturbing because it caused a blocking :ref:`ise` in the welcome page. I wrote a test case (in :mod:`lino_noi.projects.team`) to reproduce this. The problem was because the `controller_is_optional` model attribute was being ignored. I created new model method :meth:`update_controller ` instead. This feature was used only by :mod:`lino_xl.lib.stars` so far. Lino now (by default) refuses to delete a starred object. Vocabulary in Lino Welfare ========================== "Payment instruction" ("Zahlungsanweisung") becomes "Disbursement order" ("Ausgabeanweisung") I started to analyze the different use cases for these documents in TIM. - Two new fields :attr:`item_account ` and :attr:`item_remark `. - Currently we use `narration` for what they call "Internal reference" (interne Referenz), and `remark` for their "External reference". I removed an assertion in :func:`lino.core.inject.update_field` because it seems to be no longer useful after Django 1.8 (and because it gave a false positive) when I try to override the `verbose_name` for these fields. invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'fdpkvcnrfdybhur' ========================================================= It seems that somebody installed some robot which does a request like this every now and then: http://belref.lino-framework.org/countries/PlacesByPlace?limit=fdpkvcnrfdybhur Such requests now just raise a `SuspiciousOperation` "Invalid value for limit or offset" instead of causing an :ref:`ise`. Which still causes Lino to send me an email each time. For the moment it's just annoying. Why do people install such robots? What is their motivation? Übersicht Journale und Dokumentarten ==================================== Ich habe mir mal eine Übersichtstabelle der bestehenden Journalgruppen und Dokumentarten gemacht, wobei ich meine Aufmerksamkeit auf folgende Felder lenke (in Klammern die Feldbezeichnungen in Lino): - A = Haushaltsartikel (`account`) - NB1 = Gegenstand (`narration`) - NB2 = Externe Referenz (`your_ref`) - P1 = Partner. Der Sozialhilfeempfänger, um den es geht. (`project`) - P2 = Empfänger. Optionaler Zahlungsempfänger falls Zahlung an einen Dritten geht. (`partner`) Was mich interessiert, ist, wie diese Felder verteilt sind zwischen "oben" (IMP) und "unten" (IML), was seinerseits in TIM durch die Bildschirmansicht (View) definiert ist. Außerdem die Attribute P ("Partner auswählen beim Erstellen") und B ("HH-Artikel auswählen beim Erstellen"). ================== = = ===== ================= ================== ======================== Journalgruppe P B View Felder IMP Felder IML Lino database model ================== = = ===== ================= ================== ======================== Bestellung P - BST P1, P2, NB1, NB2 A, NB1 `vatless.ProjectInvoice` Rechnungseingang P - REG P1, P2, NB1, NB2 A, NB1 `vatless.ProjectInvoice` Forderungen - - FFO P1, P2, NB1, NB2 A, NB1 - Anweisungen - B AAW A, NB1, NB2 P1, P2, NB1, NB2 `finan.DisbursementOrder` Zahlungsaufträge - - ZAU NB1, NB2 P1, P2 `finan.PaymentOrder` Tresoreriejournale - - KAS - P1, P2, NB1, NB2 `finan.BankStatement` Haushalt P - HHB NB1 A, NB1 `finan.JournalEntry` ================== = = ===== ================= ================== ======================== Bemerkungen - Bestellungen und Forderungen werden weiter in TIM gemacht (sind keine Sozialhilfeausgaben). - Haushalt, Zahlungsaufträge und Tresoreriejournale sind soweit okay - bzgl. Rechnungseingang hat Lino zwei Varianten: - ProjectInvoicesByJournal (klassische REG) - Der Klient wird im *oberen* Teil erfasst (maximal ein Klient pro Rechnung). - InvoicesByJournal (Sammelrechnungen) : Der Klient wird im *unteren* Teil (pro Zeile) erfasst