=========================== Thursday, February 25, 2016 =========================== Today I wrote the new module :mod:`lino_xl.lib.invoicing` which is a reimplementation of :mod:`lino_cosi.lib.auto.sales`. Main advantages are: - Use a database table (an "invoicing plan"), not a virtual table - Make it possible to generate other invoices than sales invoices The rest of this post are just some work notes. >>> import lino_xl.lib.invoicing >>> import lino_xl.lib.courses >>> from lino import startup >>> # startup('lino_xl.projects.min2.settings.demo') >>> startup('lino_voga.projects.roger.settings.demo') >>> from lino.api import rt >>> fk = rt.models.contacts.Role._meta.get_field('person') >>> fk.rel.to Exception: lino_voga.projects.roger.lib.courses plugin tries to extend unresolved model 'courses.Line'