========================= Saturday, January 9, 2016 ========================= I started a tutorial about :ref:`belref`. Sandeep reported two problems which I noted as tickets. The first is a disturbing warning: :ticket:`706`. I invited Sandeep to fix it, that would be his first ticket fix. I discovered and fixed a series of failures in the Welfare test suite which caused by ticket :ticket:`698`. The :envvar:`LINO_SITE_MODULE` environment variable =================================================== The other problem was indirectly caused by :ticket:`707` (which I fixed myself because it needs experience with setting up production hosts ). The problem was:: $ python manage.py runserver INFO Started manage.py runserver (using lino.projects.belref.settings.demo) --> PID 2327 CommandError: You must set settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS if DEBUG is False. INFO Done manage.py runserver (PID 2327) Sandeep reported correctly that setting :setting:`DEBUG` to `True` in :file:`belref/settings/demo.py` was the fix. The problem passed *inaperçu* on my machine because I have a `djangosite_local` module in my :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`. Solution was to replace the hard-coded name :xfile:`djangosite_local.py` by an environment variable :envvar:`LINO_SITE_MODULE`.