========================== Thursday, October 15, 2015 ========================== #590 A new logo for the web sites ================================= I worked with Ly on a new logo for the Lino website. :ticket:`590`. Committed the new logo and my yesterday's work. The logo is defined in :mod:`lino.sphinxcontrib.logo`. #593 (Write a tkinter based user interface) =========================================== Tom Radcliffe, in his article `Python GUI Programming: wxPython vs. tkinter `_ comes to the conclusion that tkinter is better than wxPython and PyQt because it is by far the quickest: "I feel like the search may be over, and the solution was right under my nose the whole time. I just never paid attention to it because of an outdated and incorrect attitude toward Tcl/Tk and tkinter." I never seriously considered tkinter, if I remember well, because it has no built-in datagrid widget. A user named *AruzV* asked this in `Grid View (Table list) in tkinter `__, and another user named *bvdet* posted a nice and working example. Which reminds me that I have always dreamed of having a second usable user interface for Lino. And a slim quick browser-less desktop application using Tkinter seems to be a cool thing. I opened :ticket:`593` (Write a tkinter based user interface) so we can at least discuss about priorities. #505 : demo data ================ I discovered that the scramble script (see :doc:`0909`) had a bug which caused it to produce invalid output. The bug actually was just that the ``IBAN`` list of :mod:`lino_xl.lib.sepa.fixtures.sample_ibans` delivered two empty strings (one at the beginning, the other at the end). I now added a test case to this module which verifies that all IBANs are valid. I removed a few IBANs (those with an unknown country codes) which also triggered a ValidationError. I replaced the file used by :mod:`test_import_sepa `. So yes, I "damaged" the xml file when replacing the real data by fictive numbers. But unfortunately this was only a minor detail. The demo file contained many other statements whose IBAN is not empty. Hamza, so it's again your turn to work on this! The question remains: Why does it look as if the account number on all statements is missing? The :mod:`test_import_sepa ` case now passes, but the two following lines do not reflect what we want:: self.assertEqual(Account.objects.count(), 1) self.assertEqual(Movement.objects.count(), 0) We want to see many accounts and stamtements in our database after importing the file. I suggest that you analyze that CAMT parser in :mod:`lino_cosi.lib.sepa.camt` and :mod:`lino_cosi.lib.sepa.parserlib`. Maybe the bug is there. Also look at our demo xml file with a browser and compare its content with the parser. If you have not used `lxml` before, then you should also read some of these tutorials: - http://lxml.de/tutorial.html - http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2010/11/20/python-parsing-xml-with-lxml/ Note that the test suite of :ref:`cosi` currently has one failure in file "docs/tested/demo.rst", line 36. You can ignore this for your work on :ticket:`505`. It is due to my :ticket:`554`.