=========================== Wednesday, October 14, 2015 =========================== Deprecated behaviour ==================== The :attr:`django_settings_module ` attribute was meant to solve exactly the same problem: how to specify the :xfile:`settings.py` module to be used when testing a document using doctest. I have the feeling that we should deprecate this old-style and intransparent ("automagic") behaviour now that we have the new `settings_modeul` argument for :func:`lino.startup` I noticed that :mod:`lino.utils.pythontest` and :mod:`lino.utils.djangotest` were missing in the API docs. And yes, the :ref:`dev.testing` page is still very uncomplete. About communication and Lino Noi ================================ It's now almost one week (:doc:`1008`) that I released the new comments feature (:ticket:`522`). But we didn't yet start to use it. Even *I* didn't. And actually I knew it in advance. There are several good reasons why we didn't: - Lino Noi will never replace individual communication channels (E-Mail, Chat) - I seem to stick to my habit of writing in my daily blog using Emacs and Sphinx (:ref:`devblog`) What do we want Noi to be? - Lino Noi does not want to *replace* E-Mail and Chat clients, but it wants to *integrate* them. E-Mail and Chat clients stop to be optimal where more than two persons are involved into a discussion. Lino Noi wants to be a tool which sustains and keeps track of communication within a group. - Another basic goal is to have a knowledge database. That we can ask in five years "Did we have this problem already? How did we solve it?". Questions to those who followed until here: - Am I missing important goals? - Are we reinventing the wheel with Lino Noi? Some concretely missing features are: - Notifications. Currently it is a hell because every little change generates an email to the reporter and the assigned user. - Collect incoming mails and assign them to their ticket (i.e. that any user can forward any mail to an address (e.g. incoming@lino-framework.org), and these mails would go into our database and become visible to all other users. (This is partly implemented in :mod:`lino.modlib.smtpd` and :mod:`lino.modlib.outbox`. Something similar for collecting chat logs and interactive terminal sessions. - Add some checkboxes "Blog", "chat" and "mail" on `clocking.Session` which indicate "there are traces of this session in the author's Blog, Chat or Email". Add a field `devblog_url_template` to `users.User` and make the public interface generate automatic links to the blog entry. #589 ==== I started to work on :ticket:`589`. It is related to the following message which comes each time when I register an invoice:: INFO Found 0 VAT rules for %{'date': u'09.10.15', 'country': u'BE', 'vat_regime': , 'vat_class': }!) Yes, of course :mod:`lino_cosi.lib.tim2lino.fixtures.tim2lino` must also create VAT rules. The solution was to simply add :mod:`euvatrates lino_cosi.lib.vat.fixtures.euvatrates>` to their :attr:`demo_fixtures ` So it turns out that :ticket:`589` was actually just another facet of :ticket:`554`. Afterwards I continued to work on :ticket:`554`. This ticket is about importing data of a TIM database into a Lino Così (more precisely a :mod:`lino_cosi.projects.apc`). Changes are mostly in :mod:`lino_cosi.lib.tim2lino`. En passant I updated some documentation.