======================== Wednesday, July 22, 2015 ======================== Optimizing :func:`html2rst ` ============================================================= Yesterday's changes turn out to be more fiddling as expected because when adapting the test suite I had plenty of examples for optimizing :func:`html2rst `, so I moved this into separate ticket :ticket:`351`). Some of the concerned files: | docs/specs/ledger.rst | docs/tested/uploads.rst | docs/tested/polls.rst | docs/tested/general.rst | docs/tested/dupable_clients.rst | docs/tested/debts.rst | docs/tested/aids.rst | docs/tested/2015/0715.rst Some more changes en passant: - New option `nosummary` for :meth:`ar.show `. - :func:`html2rst ` now has a parameter `stripped`, and :mod:`lino.utils.xmlgen.html` no longer has a function `_html2rst`.