==================== Friday, July 3, 2015 ==================== Configuring print templates =========================== Yesterday I worked the whole day for making the Lino documentation better, and still I am not satisfied! Continued to work on :ref:`welfare.admin.printing`, :ref:`lino.admin.printing` and :ref:`lino.admin.excerpts`. One "problem" when I am writing documentation about Lino is that while thinking about how to explain it, I usually get ideas for making the code better (structure, API, new features, ...). On of these ideas today was the new plugin :mod:`lino.modlib.printing` which regroups what was in :mod:`lino.mixins.printable` before. java.io.IOException: APDU response error: 27823 =============================================== Users reported some error messages by :ref:`eidreader`. I started a new documentation page :ref:`eidreader.issues`. #319 (type object 'ClientEvents' has no attribute 'created') ============================================================ This error message appeared in :class:`integ.` Added a section in `docs/tested/integ.rst` to reproduce it. Added new client event :class:`lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.choicelists.ClientCreated`. Trying to write a doctest unveiled another issue: A :class:`lino.utils.reports.Report` is not a normal table but a subclass :class:`EmptyTable `. And the :meth:`ses.show ` method failed on this kind of actor with an error message:: `AttributeError: type object 'ActivityReport' has no attribute 'to_rst'` This was issue #320 (Lino cannot show report to console). Quite some changes in :mod:`lino.utils.reports` and elsewhere.