============================ Wednesday, February 18, 2015 ============================ Discovered and fixed a bug introduced by the new untested feature :meth:`get_master_instance `. When :attr:`master ` was `ContentType` (which is the case on every XxxByController` table), Lino did not correctly set the `master_instance` of the action request (a :class:`TableRequest `). Added a section to :ref:`welfare.specs.integ` which would have detected this. :class:`lino_xl.lib.cal.AppointmentsByPartner` (Table "Rendez-vous" dans l'onglet "Personne" ) no longer removes events more than 17 days in the future. And it now shows events in correct sort order. Checkin and upgrade in :ref:`chat`. maximum recursion depth exceeded ================================ The new method :meth:`lino.core.actions.Action.get_status` introduced yesterday came with another bug: trying to insert a `pcsw.Client` caused a RuntimeError :message:`maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object`. This triggered another internal revolution in the action API (which still is unstable and has only very basic documentation :lino:`/dev/ar`): - the `ar.insert_button()` method is gone! - More subtle changes around `ar.get_permission`, `ar.spawn()`, `BoundAction.request_from`. `ar.spawn_request` and a `parent` keyword to the contructor.