=========================== Wednesday, February 4, 2015 =========================== Final sprint before an upgrade in :ref:`cpaseupen`. I moved :meth:`make_cache_file ` from :class:`Site ` to :class:`Kernel `. This probably fixes a rather internal problem: Our basic strategy is that Lino does not create any cache files when the directory specified by :setting:`MEDIA_ROOT` does not exist. In certain cases it got created nevertheless, but became available only after restarting the development server. In yesterday's blog entry I can now easily refer e.g. to :attr:`detail_handler_name ` using a cool trick: the new :class:`lino.core.requests.ValidActionResponses` class is a placeholder for defining the allowed keywords to :meth:`ar.set_response `. Resolved :ticket:`81`. The :attr:`doctor_tye` of a :class:`RefundConfirmation` can now be left blank, and in that case the doctor's client_contact_type will be used. A positive side effect: if no doctor_type is given, the selection list for doctor no longer shows all persons but only those who have a refundable client contact type (i.e. :attr:`ClientContactType.can_refund ` is checked.) Commit, push and upgrade on :ref:`lf`. Resolved :ticket:`59`. The default value for :attr:`Granting.signer ` was set in :meth:`after_ui_create `, but did not save the object again. It is now set in :meth:`full_clean `, which means that users cannot set that field to `empty` for confirmations whose `aid_type` has :attr:`confirmed_by_primary_coach ` checked. Which anyway was just a theoretic possibility. Resolved :ticket:`53`. The tricky part here is that :class:`EventsByClient ` shows two types of events: those who are "directly" linked to the client through their :attr:`Event.project` field, **and** those where this client participates as guest. Changed `insert_layout` and :meth:`get_filter_kw ` of :class:`EventsByClient `. Commit & push Started to evaluate whether :ticket:`76` is difficult to solve. Discovered that eupen and chatelet could not print any presence certificate. They forgot to load the standard excerpt types (which are in `std2` now). Wrote a new tested document :ref:`welfare.specs.excerpts`. Commit, push and upgrade on :ref:`cpaseupen`. The online demo of :ref:`faggio` was broken because i forgot to remove `is_pupil` and `is_teacher` from a layout. Commit, push and upgrade on :ref:`lf`.