========================= Tuesday, February 3, 2015 ========================= Recurrent polls =============== Wow. I finished a first proof of concept for the :ref:`welfare.specs.polls` as the users in Chatelet want them. Especially :meth:`AnswersByResponse.answer_buttons ` and :meth:`AnswersByResponse.get_slave_summary ` were a challenge. I invented some new API methods for working with action requests. :attr:`lino.core.actors.Actor.actions` is now part of the public API. Started to write documentation (but yes, there is much to do): - :lino:`/dev/ar` - :lino:`/dev/html` - :lino:`/dev/custom_actions` Cannot create humanlinks.Links when working as Alicia ===================================================== Created, reproduced and fixed :ticket:`88`. .. currentmodule:: lino.modlib.humanlinks The quick solution was simply to replace ``sar = ar.spawn(Links, ...)`` by ``sar = ar.spawn(self, ...)`` in :meth:`LinksByPerson.get_slave_summary`. But why was the button there, although the insert action was not available? This shows that :meth:`insert_button ` is not a good API. Code cleanup en passant: I removed `quick_upload_buttons` method from :class:`lino.modlib.extjs.ext_renderer.ExtRenderer`, and the three deprecated fields `residence_permit` `work_permit` and `driving_license` from :class:`lino_welfare.modlib.pcsw.models.Client.` Show all appointable users in `create_visit` ============================================ .. currentmodule:: lino_welfare.modlib.reception.models The user field of :class:`CreateClientVisit`, the "manual" dialog action for creating a prompt meeting, now shows all appointable users, not only those whose `newcomer_consultations` checkbox is checked. Fehlermeldung nach "Neuzugang zuweisen" ======================================= Ticket :ticket:`87` was a tough one. But it seems that I got it. I observed that the Save button sends a PUT to `/api/newcomers/NewClients/121`, but this PUT returns with :attr:`detail_handler_name ` set to "pcsw.Clients.detail". This is wrong. And BTW it opens a second Detail window: if you click now the window's "Close" button, you see the "same" detail a second time. The `newcomers.NewClients` and `pcsw.Clients` tables share the same `detail_layout`, but they have different `parameters`. The mystery lied in the collaboration of :meth:`ar.goto_instance ` and :meth:`obj.get_detail_action `. If the action requests's actor can be used for the object instance, then it must have priority over the object's default table.