======================== Sunday, February 1, 2015 ======================== About the `title` and the `verbose_name` of a `Site` ==================================================== .. currentmodule:: lino.core.site The docstring for :attr:`Site.title` was wrong, it said "TODO: Stop using `title`, use :attr:`Site.verbose_name` instead." In fact these are different things: `title` is the title of the site, while `verbose_name` is the verbose name of the application. I changed the default value for `title` from `"Unnamed Lino site"` to `None`, and for `verbose_name` from "yet another Lino site" to "yet another Lino application". Editable tables =============== Hint for :ticket:`85` : this is another case of a table which must explicitly set :attr:`editable ` to True. Getting Lino to build on Travis CI ================================== I noticed that Travis has been saying "config missing" for several days now. This was a syntax error in my :file:`.travis.xml`. And yes, my :envvar:`LINO_CACHE_ROOT` is active and works. But here is the next challenge. It says:: Exception: Oops : cannot use /home/travis/build/lsaffre/lino/lino_docs for /home/travis/build/lsaffre/lino/lino/projects/docs/settings because it is used for /home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lino/projects/docs/settings. What's happening there? It remindes me that the :xfile:`default.db` has previously been created at different places. As it seemed. But are they really different? I rather guess that the latter is a symlink to the former. So :meth:`Site.setup_cache_directory` must use `Path.resolve() `_ when checking whether they are different. Note: this was not the explanation. Next idea: it is because :command:`fab initdb` uses the uninstalled Lino version while :command:`fab test` uses the installed one. Recurrent polls =============== I started to work on a user request by :ref:`cpaschatelet`: - Interviews: il faut que les agents puissent voir, pour chaque question, ce que le bénéficiaire a répondu les entrevues précédentes. Started a new document :ref:`welfare.specs.polls` in English with all the explanations. :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.polls.fixtures.jobsearch`