======================== Monday, January 19, 2015 ======================== Reading eID cards ================= `lino.modlib.beid` : the "add" version of this action was hidden in the top toolbar until now. Now it is also visible there, has a vcard with a "+" as icon, and does what the users want it to do: read eID card and create a new client from it. AgentsByClient and the actions API ================================== Still trying to replace :class:`CoachingsByClient ` by its successor :class:`AgentsByClient `. Names and look are different, but the idea is the same: show a list of agents "available" for his client, and for whom the reception clerk can register either a "prompt consultation" or a scheduled meeting in a calendar. We no longer speak about Coachings here because **new** clients don't have any coaching yet. For new clients, our table should show a list of agents who have been marked accordingly. Added two checkbox fields `newcomer_appointments` and `coaching_supervisor` to :class:`lino_welfare.modlib.users.models.User`. In :class:`AgentsByClient `, we must create a button to invoke `create_visit` on a Client, passing the agent as a parameter value. This turned out to be rather difficult and required some internal changes These changes cause a certain risk of having introduced bugs at the Javascript level (which is not yet covered by our test suite). In `Lino.ActionFormPanel.on_ok` (in :xfile:`linoweb.js`), I slightly changed the algorithm for computing the URL of the AJAX call. An action request (:class:`lino.core.requests.ActionRequest`) now analyzes the `param_values` and `action_param_values` during `setup`, no longer during `__init__`. The region field ================ Fixed a bug which we discovered with Mahmoud: :mod:`lino_cosi.projects.ylle` did not have a `region` field. This is controlled by the :attr:`hide_region ` option of :mod:`lino.modlib.contacts`. The bug was in the :meth:`setup_plugins ` method. Wrong:: def setup_plugins(self): self.plugins.contacts.configure(hide_region=False) ... super(Site, self).setup_plugins() Correct:: def setup_plugins(self): super(Site, self).setup_plugins() self.plugins.contacts.configure(hide_region=False) ... More documentation optimization =============================== I converted the documentation of :ref:`cosi` to use `autosummary` instead of `sphinx-apigen`. Removed the :command:`fab api` command. In :mod:`rstgen.sphinxconf.base`, changed the sentence:: (This module's source code is available at `<%s>`__.) into:: (This module's source code is available `here <%s>`__.)