=================================== 20141226 (Friday, 26 December 2014) =================================== Started new project https://github.com/lsaffre/dblog for Mahmoud. It is the first time that I invite somebody else to use this blogging system. Which caused a change in :mod:`atelier`: Fabric can now be invoked from a subdirectory of the project's root. And :mod:`atelier.projects` now supports to work in undeclared projects even if there is a :xfile:`config.py` file. Drawback of this change is that the API for `setup_from_project` has changed. Which is not a big problem since I am currently the only known user of this system. I had to change all my :xfile:`fabfile.py` files, replacing:: setup_from_project(...) with:: setup_from_fabfile(globals(), ...)