=========================== Saturday, December 20, 2014 =========================== New European VAT regulation =========================== Lino is so cool! It seems that I solved :ticket:`42` (New European VAT regulation) within a few hours! Okay there might be some details which might require attention when first users start to actually use it ;-) But all in all I am proud. When I read `how a taxation change took 4 developers a week to handle `_, I got afraid and decided that it might be time to start working on this ticket. But unlike the developers at PA I have over 20 years of experience with handling VAT in an accounting software, so these topics were not new to me. Everything went as planned: - Added the new model :mod:`lino.modlib.vat.models.VatRate` (:ref:`mustmig`). - New fixture with the rates I know :mod:`lino.modlib.vat.fixtures.euvatrates`. - Moved documentation from :mod:`lino.modlib.vat` to :mod:`lino.modlib.vat`. - En passant I noticed that :attr:`hide_sums ` was being ignored by :meth:`lino.core.actors.Actor.to_rst`. Installed latest development version on :ref:`lf`. And another good news: It seems that :manage:`initdb` now works also on InnoDB because it calls :meth:`disable_constraint_checking`. So the problem described in :ref:`innodb` has gone.