============================ Wednesday, November 19, 2014 ============================ Worked on the tickets for :ref:`cpaschatelet`. User requests: - Ajouter un champ texte "Description" par atelier. En créant un nouvel atelier, recopier la description de la série d'ateliers qui sert donc de modèle. Il faut la recopier car elle évolue. - Enlever module "octrois d'aide". Changes: - Documentation and first translations. - Changes in the :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.courses` module (the one used in :ref:`cpaseupen`): - PEP 8 - courses.Course is no longer `Printable` (admins now must define an `ExcerptType` in order to make it printable). - Changes in the :mod:`lino.modlib.courses` module (the one used in :ref:`cpaschatelet`): - Added new field `Course.description`. :ref:`mustmig` - Extended the method :meth:`Course.full_clean ` to copy the `description` from Line to every new Course. - The module :mod:`lino_welfare.modlib.aids` is now removable. For this I added a test ``if dd.is_installed('aids')`` in certain fixtures. I then discovered that the welfare test suite is currently broken due to changes in demo fixtures. Started to repair it (but without finishing). Checked in these changes 20141121