======================== Monday, November 3, 2014 ======================== Database migration ================== Upgrade in :ref:`cpaschatelet`. French translations for :mod:`lino.modlib.polls`. Added the third poll to :mod:`lino.modlib.polls.fixtures.checklist`. I wanted to load the demo fixtures of :mod:`lino.modlib.polls` into the production server. So I wrote a local :cmd:`run` script :file:`initdb_polls.py` as follows:: from lino.modlib.polls.fixtures import std from lino.modlib.polls.fixtures import checklist from lino import rt rt.models.polls.ChoiceSet.objects.all().delete() rt.models.polls.Poll.objects.all().delete() for o in std.objects(): o.full_clean() o.save() for o in checklist.objects(): o.full_clean() o.save() TODO: - The toggle_choice action is broken. Selecting an answer gives an error message "There's no partner with primary key 3" `SMTPRecipientsRefused` and system notes ======================================== Fixed a bug in :meth:`dd.Model.get_system_note_recipients` methods of :class:`welfare.pcsw.Client` and :class:`welfare.pcsw.Coaching` which caused an `SMTPRecipientsRefused` server traceback when a user The language of an excerpt ========================== Started :srcref:`docs/tickets/144`: - The `language` field on :class:`lino.modlib.excerpts.Excerpt` is back. And the `language` field on :class:`welfare.aids.Confirmation` is no longer needed. - New table `aids.ContractGrantingsByClient` (just a first draft). - New field :attr:`welfare.aids.AidType.is_integ_duty` New methods :meth:`welfare.isip.BaseContract.get_granting` and :meth:`welfare.isip.BaseContract.get_aid_type`. TODO: test these.