======================== Tuesday, October 7, 2014 ======================== Here is my usual template answer to people who send me mails with proprietary file formats: You sent the attachment in Microsoft Word format, a secret proprietary format, so it is hard for me to read. By sending Word documents you put pressure on other people to use Microsoft software. In effect, you become a buttress of the Microsoft monopoly. This pressure is a major obstacle to the broader adoption of free software. Would you please reconsider the use of Word format for communication with other people? To convert the file to HTML using Word is simple. Open the document, click on File, then Save As, and in the Save As Type strip box at the bottom of the box, choose HTML Document or Web Page. Then choose Save. You can then attach the new HTML document instead of your Word document. Note that Word changes the user interface in inconsistent ways between versions. if you see slightly different menu item names, please try them. To convert to plain text is almost the same--instead of HTML Document, choose Text Only or Text Document as the Save As Type. Your computer may also have a program to convert to pdf format. Select File => Print. Scroll through available printers and select the pdf converter. Click on the Print button and enter a name for the pdf file when requested. Now I finally translated it to Estonian: Sa saatsid mulle faili Microsoft Word'i formaadis. See on salastatud omanduslik formaat, sellepärast oli mul raske seda lugeda. Kui sa saadad inimestele Word'i dokumente, siis tekitad neile surve, et nad peaksid kasutama Microsofti tarkvara. See surve on oluline põhjus paljudele, miks nad ei julge proovidagi kasutada vabad alternatiivid nagu nt. LibreOffice. Sinust saab -teadlikult või mitte- Microsofti monopooli tugipiilar. Ma palun sind kaaluda, kas sul oleks võimalik loobuda omandusliku formaatide kasutamisest siis kui sa suhtled teiste inimestega. Omanduslikud formaadid, mida ma soovitan vältida : .docx, .doc, .rtf, .xlsx, .xls, .pub Word ja Excel võimaldavad salvestada HTML või PDF formaadis. Need on vabad failiformaadid, mida igaüks saab lugeda. Vajadusel küsi minu käest, aitan hea meelega!