========================= Monday, September 1, 2014 ========================= I started to introduce the requested modifications in French translations. This revealed that ``fab mm`` has become really too slow for the :ref:`welfare` userdocs. It is clear that my system of building multilingual docs using Sphinx's gettext builder is deprecated, I started to convert them to monolingual docs. Worked on :ref:`noi` ==================== I added :mod:`lino.modlib.tickets` to :ref:`noi` and started to see more clearly a concrete usage for that application: a ticketing management system to manage our own tickets. Because the current system (within the documentation using Sphinx) turns out to be not enough. I also abandon the idea of doing this in Presto and of copying exactly the database structure I have in TIM. One important new thing in :ref:`noi` is the fact that it publishes the whole database as is. Anonymous requests may not modify anything, but they can see everything. - Added new method `lino.core.site.Site.get_default_required`, and :ref:`noi` overrides this to make all tables visible for everybody. - Discovered that readonly user profiles don't work (they are not readonly). Chatelet ======== Continued heavily on :srcref:`docs/tickets/121`. Refreshing the home page ======================== Hey, I discovered *en passant* why refreshing the home page caused some windows to become invisible! Here is the code of the onReady function in our main page:: Lino.viewport = new Lino.Viewport( { items: { "bbar": { "items": Lino.status_bar, "xtype": "toolbar" }, "tbar": Lino.main_menu, "layout": "fit", "items": { "items": { "autoScroll": true, "html": "...", "xtype": "container", "id": "dashboard" }, "region": "center", "layout": "fit", "xtype": "container", "id": "main_area" } } }); Do you see? It's not "main_area" but "dashboard" whose html I must update!