========================== Wednesday, August 13, 2014 ========================== More about Aid Confirmations ---------------------------- Added two boolean fields `print_directly` and `signed_by_primary_coach` to `aids.ConfirmationType`. Added a `print_directly` boolean to `excerpts.ExcerptType`. Default value is True. If this is unchecked, CreateExcerpt shows the created excerpt instead of printing it directly and showing the result. This is useful when the user wants a possibility to edit recipient and language. The detail_layout of an Excerpt now has a window_size (is no longer fullscreen), and I removed the preview field. Because that seems more natural. Added new fields `doctor` and `doctor_type` to `RefundConfirmation`. Added body template for RefundConfirmation. TODO: - Finish `amk.body.html` - Fill list of DoctorTypes Notes after phone meeting with Gerd: Okay, wir kommen der Sache immer näher - Momentane Tabelle "Bestätigungen" (Confirmations) wird umbenannt nach "Bescheinigungen". - Empfänger und Sprache von Excerpt nach Confirmation - Neue Tabelle "Hilfebestätigungen" (Grant): aid_type board und signer kommen con Confirmation nach Grant - ExcerptTypes der Bestätigungen werden *certifying* (also nur ein Ausdruck pro Confirmation)