======================== Tuesday, August 12, 2014 ======================== Added new model :class:`welfare.aids.RefundPartner`, a subclass of new :class:`welfare.pcsw.ClientContactBase` model mixin (which I moved out of and now inherit by :class:`welfare.pcsw.ClientContact`). Added a slave table :class:`welfare.aids.PartnersByConfirmation` to the detail of :class:`welfare.aids.RefundConfirmation`. Moved field `client_contact_type` from :class:`welfare.contacts.Company` to :class:`welfare.contacts.Partner` and added a chooser in :class:`welfare.pcsw.ClientContactBase`. Because also a Person can be a client contact. TODO: when entering data into :class:`welfare.aids.PartnersByConfirmation` users still need to know whether a given contact type is a company or a person. That might be disturbing. Added two more client contact types "Physician" and "Family doctor" in :mod:`lino_welfare.fixtures.demo`. Note: how should I translate "Hausarzt"? "General Practitioner" or "Family doctor"? The `WONCA `_ seems to have chosen the former: "WONCA is an unusual, yet convenient acronym comprising the first five initials of the World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians." Updated German translations for :ref:`welfare`. Checkin. Upgrade at :ref:`cpaseupen`. More changes after evaluation with Gerd: - Tabelle Hilfebestäitigungen pro Kunde: - hier fehlt die Hilfeart und die Periode. - Filterparameter auch Hilfeart - "Unterschreiber" umbenennen nach "Verantwortlicher" oder "Entscheider"... oder "Bestätiger" - "Einfache Bescheinigung" ersetzen durch "Einfache Hilfebestätigung" - "Erstellen und Drucken" zugleich. - "Bestehende Ausdrucke" (ExcerptsByOwner) jetzt als slave table mit summary im detail_layout einer `aids.Confirmation`. A 3 hours phone meeting with Mathieu resulted in a new ticket :srcref:`docs/tickets/121`.