======================= Thursday, June 12, 2014 ======================= Continued on `commondata.ee`. There was a last stupid problem, not even related to the real problem but which blocks the demo. See next section. Soodi and Söödi --------------- Two innocent small villages in the south of Estonia caused me about one day of work. And taught me that Django's unique_together_ meta option reduces Non-ASCII letters to their plain ASCII letter (e.g. "ö" becomes "o"). The problem is subtle since it passes in sqlite but fails in mysql. .. _unique_together: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/models/options/#unique-together The fixtures ``few_cities`` and ``eesti`` (both in :mod:`lino.modlib.countries.fixtures` ) must be specified in the right order: ``eesti`` must come first. Because it does not check whether the place already exists. While ``few_cities`` does this test. I finally laid down this subject in a new ticket :srcref:`docs/tickets/109`. EventGenerators for multiple users ---------------------------------- Worked on :srcref:`docs/tickets/104`. Preparation work: collect document about :class:`ml.cal.EventGenerator` into :mod:`lino_xl.lib.cal`. A first change is that the general hard-coded default value for :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.ignore_dates_before` is no longer `datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=-7)` but simply `None`. This is a better default value. We need constant conditions in our test databases. Then I started to look at how Lino generates demo data. Optimized the procedure. TODO: - Write a method `Client.get_coach_by_date(date, coaching_type)` which should cache the dates of coachings because it will be used by EventGenerator. - Write a test case. Robin Dubois scheint ein guter Testfall (hat drei DSBE-Begleitungen). Aber sein Vertrag wurde nicht vom richtigen Begleiter erstellt. - in the demo fixture, use the `get_coach_by_date` method also to see who was the author of every contract