======================== Wednesday, June 11, 2014 ======================== Excerpts also for Così ---------------------- DONE: - Added :mod:`lino.modlib.excerpts` to :ref:`cosi`. :class:`ml.sales.Invoice` is now :class:`lino.modlib.excerpts.Certifiable`. - Started to document :mod:`lino.modlib.trading`. - Renamed field "invoicing_address" to "invoice_recipient" - The new :mod:`lino.modlib.excerpts.fixtures.std` fixture automatically creates a certifying :class:`lino.modlib.excerpts.ExcerptType` instance for every model which inherits from :class:`lino.modlib.excerpts.Certifiable`. - Cool: the new method :meth:`lino.core.site.Site.str2kw` used for the above fixture is also the beginning of a solution for :srcref:`docs/tickets/108`. So :class:`ml.sales.Invoice` is no longer `TypedPrintable` but :class:`lino.modlib.excerpts.Certifiable`. This currently means that every app which uses :mod:`lino.modlib.trading` must also install :mod:`lino.modlib.excerpts`. Hm... Can we leave this as this? Do we need automatic management of dependencies (i.e. :attr:`lino.core.plugin.Plugin.requires`)? - Another example why we need app dependencies is sepa and iban. TODO: - add :mod:`lino.modlib.addresses` to :ref:`cosi` - AddressesBy Free default data for places and zip codes ------------------------------------------ Continued on :srcref:`docs/tickets/109`. :ref:`dpy` : Django sometimes seems to also load fixtures from current directory. This was disturbing while writing `cosi.tested.estonia` because the following then caused a "Fixture has no attribute objects": $ cd lino_cosi/settings/est $ python manage.py initdb_demo