======================= Wednesday, June 4, 2014 ======================= Documentation ------------- Motivated by the fact that Milton is learning Lino, I continued to work in the documentation. The Lino test suite failed because I had added ``from __future__ import unicode_literals`` to the :xfile:`project_info.py`. Added new directive :rst:dir:`command` with corresponding role :rst:role:`cmd`. This replaces the now obsolete ``:fab:`` role and the ``:fab_command:`` directive. .. default-domain:: rst Removed my self-made ``directive`` and ``role`` directives and roles and changed existing docs to use their built-in equivalents (i.e. the `rst `_ domain which I discovered only recently). The following example which I wrote in the documentation of them remains pedagogically useful:: The :role:`role` *role* inserts a *reference to* a role definition which is defined somewhere else using the :dir:`role` *directive*. The :role:`dir` *role* inserts a *reference to* a directive definition which is defined somewhere else using the :dir:`directive` *directive*. Result: The :role:`role` *role* inserts a *reference to* a role definition which is defined somewhere else using the :dir:`role` *directive*. The :role:`dir` *role* inserts a *reference to* a directive definition which is defined somewhere else using the :dir:`directive` *directive*. Moved the content of `lino.tutorial.quickstart` to a new tutorial :ref:`lino.tutorial.hello`. .. default-domain:: py Creating invoices from a partner -------------------------------- Continued to work in :ref:`cosi` (or :mod:`lino.modlib.ledger` to be precise). :class:`ml.ledger.InvoicesByPartner` now has a summary pane with an action link to create an invoice. But this is still not yet usable because it creates only incoming invoices (:class:`ml.ledger.AccountInvoice`), not sales invoices. In fact I should do this for any :class:`ml.ledger.Voucher` :class:`ml.ledger.VouchersByPartner`. A subtle problem remains: the action links to create vouchers in the slave summary of :class:`ml.ledger.VouchersByPartner` basically work, but the newly created document is not displayed in a detail window. `linoweb.js`: When the insert window has been called by an action link (e.g. generated using ar.insert_button), then Lino.close_window can return `undefined`. `ext_renderer.py`: the optional `request` argument to `window_action_button` and `action_call` is now an :class:`rt.ar`, not a plain Django web request. Unknown key 'goto_record_id' in action response ----------------------------------------------- The :class:`lino.mixins.duplicable.Duplicate` action caused an :ref:`ise` "Unknown key 'goto_record_id' in action response." Fixed. :class:`ml.debts.Budget` now also uses :meth:`lino.modlib.excerpts.Certifiable.get_certifiable_fields`