===================== Tuesday, May 27, 2014 ===================== Preparing for :srcref:`docs/tickets/104`: Added new fields does_asd and does_integ to `pcsw.CoachingType`. Discovered a Javascript bug: double clicking in a grid of a table with a detail_layout and an insert_layout did not switch to detail window after closing the insert window. commit Discovered and fixed an oddness: `farest_future` ("Don't generate automatic events past that date.") was a database field in `SiteConfig` while :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.ignore_dates_before` was a Site class attribute. They should be both in the same place. And since normal web interface users should not need to worry about these parameters, we remove `farest_future` from `SiteConfig` and replace it by a new attribute :attr:`lino.core.site.Site.ignore_dates_after`. commit I understood that CreateExcerpt on a non certifying ExcerptType should **not** reuse the last excerpt if one exists. Last little details in :mod:`lino_welfare.migrate`: - ignore bank account fields containing just a ":". - ignore field `SiteConfig.farest_future` Java sucks (continued) ---------------------- Each reload of a page which includes :ref:`davlink` or :ref:`eidreader` takes much time. Appearently the browser does some lookup to verify the jar signature. The Java console says (among many other things):: WARNING: key deployment.system.cachedir has no value, setting to default value I read `this `_ and then edited my :file:`~/.java/deployment/deployment.properties` file, adding this line:: deployment.system.cachedir=/home/luc/.java/deployment/cache/selfmade deployment.user.cachedir=/home/luc/.java/deployment/cache/selfmade And I created the directory `/home/luc/.java/deployment/cache/selfmade`. Seems to have no effect. Even worse, here is another error which occurs only on a Windows machine:: Java-Plug-in JRE-Version verwenden 1.7.0_55-b13 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (...) liveconnect: Security Exception: LiveConnect (JavaScript) blocked due to security settings. I **maybe** solved this at least for davlink by generating (in :mod:`lino.modlib.davlink`) a `davlink.jnlp` file and using a `jnlp_href` parameter in the ```` tag. Lino also currently uses a self-signed `DavLink.jar`. I'd be glad if this works in an Intranet where a GlobalSign certificate is useless. If it works, I'd do the same for :ref:`eidreader`. Upgrading a production server ----------------------------- Today I upgraded the :ref:`welfare` production server in Eupen. This version had been running there since 20131007, i.e. for more than 8 months. Such a production upgrade is still a rather stressing job, but -with the danger of repeating myself- I summarize my evening: Lino is really cool! For example I discovered the folowing problem after the migration: - Bestehende Ausdrucke von VSEs und Konventionen sind nicht sichtbar in der Historie des Klienten. Which I solved simply by a script to be run using the :cmd:`pm run` command:: from lino.api.shell import * for M in (isip.Contract, jobs.Contract): for obj in M.objects.all(): ex = obj.printed_by if ex is not None and ex.project_id is None: print obj ex.project = obj.client ex.full_clean() ex.save()