==================== Friday, May 23, 2014 ==================== Final sprint before releasing of :ref:`welfare` ----------------------------------------------- The data migration is rather complex this time. Most work is done in :mod:`lino_welfare.migrate`. I moved a piece of old code from :mod:`migrate ` to :mod:`migrate_old `. Interesting to not that migrations are (of course) cummulative. This time I am doing a double migration in Eupen. Their production server is at version 1.0.10, so we are using :meth:`migrate_from_1_0_10 ` and :meth:`migrate_from_1_0_11 ` in a single run. The :attr:`ml.reception.Clients.create_visit` action was not rendered anymore. This was due to the following automatism in :class:`lino.core.actions.Action` constructor (which I therefore removed again):: # if self.parameters is not None and self.select_rows: # self.show_in_bbar = False # # see ticket #105 Added explanations to :srcref:`docs/tickets/105`. The French translations are now more or less ready. Moved more docstrings from miscellaneous source files to :class:`lino.core.site.Site`. The next young man discovered Lino and wants to learn it.