===================== Thursday, May 8, 2014 ===================== Bereit zur nächsten Baustellenbesichtigung ------------------------------------------ I understood that :ref:`welfare` needs both apps ( :mod:`households ` **and** :mod:`humanlinks `). :mod:`lino.modlib.humanlinks.models.LinksByHuman` is cool because it displays both "parent" and "child" links, without needing an artificial duplication of every PLP record as was needed in TIM. It also shows how cool the :meth:`lino.core.actors.Actor.get_slave_summary` method is. New module :mod:`lino.modlib.humanlinks.fixtures.demo`. Adapted :mod:`lino_welfare.scripts.load_plp` once more. Release and data migration on testlino. @Gerd: :srcref:`docs/tickets/93` is ready for a next visit. AttributeError: 'DummyField' object has no attribute 'name' ----------------------------------------------------------- :mod:`lino.projects.polly` is broken, it says the above error message. But the message gives no information about where the real bug sits. Modified :func:`dd.fields_list` and the docstring of :class:`dd.DummyField`. The new API reference --------------------- Oops, while writing the above sentence I stumbled over the simple solution to a deep problem which I had with documenting Lino: I tried to get it documented using docstrings and Sphinx's apidoc tool. That was a mistake. I started a new document `/dev/api.rst` which seems to bring a little revolution into the Lino documentation. It is far from being finished, but now I see hope to get Lino documentation so that others can use it. For example I can now easily talk in this blog about central concepts like :class:`dd.Site`, :class:`dd.Plugin`, :class:`dd.Actor`, :class:`dd.Action`, :class:`dd.fields_list`, :class:`dd.FormLayout`, but also about :class:`rt.TableRequest` or :class:`ml.contacts.Partner`. (Note that this idea later turned out to be complete bullshit: unmaintainable and irritating for others. I moved back to an API generated by docstrings in December 2014, after having rediscovered autosummary which is better than apidoc.)