================================== 20140405 (Saturday, 05 April 2014) ================================== custom fields ------------- When manually entering IBAN and BIC fields, users can now type lowercase characters. These are automatically converted to uppercase. This was not trivial. One problem with a first (internal) implementation was that it made the whole framework depend on `django-iban `_ . `django-iban` is very good, but only people who use :mod:`lino.modlib.sepa` will want to install it. To solve this, I added a new feature to Lino: apps can now define their own custom fields. This is of course just an extension to Django's philosophy. For Lino we just needed to add a :class:`CustomField `. Usage example see :class:`UppercaseTextField ` and its subclasses :class:`IBANField ` and :class:`SWIFTBICField `. The problem of the `change` and `afteredit` events remains. In fact the EditorGridPanel needs a thorough revision. But for the moment we can continue to live with a workaround: added a `to_python` method to :class:`UppercaseTextField `.