================================== 20140120 (Monday, 20 January 2014) ================================== - Started new document `welfare.tour`. - :mod:`lino.utils.actordoc` now supports :rst:role:`ddref` referring to an *action*. TODO: the action's label appears correctly but they are not yet clickable; if the action has an icon, insert this into the text. - New site-wide setting :attr:`dd.Site.use_java`. - Thanks to Joe who contributed two changesets: - Simple change to allow HTML box to use some javascript. I use it for adding Ext.Resizer to textareas to allow dynamic resizing. - Changes required to make modlib changes working with CTMS project. They are hopefully self-explanatory enough. The "Stylistic clean-up" makes lino/modlib/changes/models.py file pep8 happy. - Fixed a minor bug in :mod:`atelier.rstgen`: :meth:`Column.adjust_width ` did not call :meth:`Table.format_value ` before comparing the required width. And in case of formatted values this lead to wrong width calculation.