=================================== 20140114 (Tuesday, 14 January 2014) =================================== Luc's Linux Blog goes online ---------------------------- Adapted my local `llb` project to use it for blogging about everything related to free software (other than my own projects). Opened a new ticket `/tickets/1`. This ticket was in fact the reason to revitalize this blog ;-) Later (in 2015) I merged the llb entries into my general blog. Adding tags to my blog ---------------------- These last days I have been thinking and experimenting on the question :srcref:`docs/tickets/88`: Nikola, Fiddling with my own Sphinx extensions, identi.ca, Wordpress. Probably the important thing missing on my current documentation and bloging system is a possibility to "tag" entries (or alternatively to print a list of articles that refer to a given place). Now I discovered `sphinxcontrib-taglist `_, which seems to be the solution. Hm, but I cannot figure out how to get this working. I tried the following: - inserted some tags to the present page using either the :rst:role:`tag` role (lets insert `blog` and `docs` for this page) or the :rst:dir:`tag` directive. - I created a new page `/docs/ref/tags.rst` with a :rst:dir:`taglist` directive. The tags are nicely formatted as tags should be, but they are not clickable, and the `/ref/tags` page does not give a list of tagged entries. Tried cloning from Github and using the development version instead of the released version. No difference. Sent a mail to the author. :mod:`atelier.fablib`: The :cmd:`fab blog` command now also works in docs-only projects like `llb` which have no Python code at all. :srcref:`docs/tickets/80`