==================================== 20140111 (Saturday, 11 January 2014) ==================================== Moved 2 tickets from :ref:`welfare` to :srcref:`docs/tickets/index`. Because I realized that - there must be one central list of tickets - I'll find a way to make :rst:role:`ddref` work from a central doctree: I can write a lino command which writes a file `ddmeta.json` which contains all dd names of a project. As a workaround it's possible to use ``:ref:`welfare.pcsw.Client``` to get the model's `verbose_name`. Moved definition of the :rst:dir:`currentlanguage` directive from :mod:`rstgen.sphinxconf` to :mod:`lino.utils.actordocs`. New directive :rst:dir:`currentproject`. I admit that my ticket management is still rather poor. Still looking for ideas.