===================================== 20131212 (Thursday, 12 December 2013) ===================================== Removed the last occurences of `use_extensible`: - Moved the extensible-specific code from :xfile:`linoweb.js` into :srcref:`extensible.js `, and added this to :attr:`site_js_snippets ` - In :class:`djangosite.djangosite_site.Site` and subclasses, renamed method `using` to `get_used_libs`. - Added a `get_used_libs` method also to the :class:`App ` class. - Moved settings :setting:`calendar_start_hour` and :setting:`calendar_end_hour` from :mod:`lino.lino_site` to :mod:`lino.apps.extensible`. Cool! This is finally what Joe and I decided to want! Next step will be to do the same for `use_extjs`. (Note: one detail is missing: the snippets are not yet widget-specific. But I don't yet see where this is a big problem.) Upgraded :ref:`demos`. Converted `use_extjs` into an :class:`App `: - The app is in :mod:`lino.extjs` (not in `lino.apps.extjs`) - This required two new methods :meth:`App.on_ui_init ` and :meth:`App.get_patterns ` - `SITE.ui.ext_renderer` is now `SITE.ui.extjs_renderer` - Moved the ExtJS-specific part from :mod:`lino.ui.views` to :mod:`lino.extjs.views` - Removed the files under `lino/obsolete`. Upgraded :ref:`demos` again.