=================================== 20131209 (Monday, 09 December 2013) =================================== I upgraded the :ref:`demos` on :ref:`lf`. (This is getting an important test step before releasing to a production site. There is now almost every day some message in my inbox with some :ref:`ise` caused by somebody playing with them.) Simple bug fixes: - AttributeError at /api/integ/src/eidreader/EIDReader/class.class - An `'Site' object has no attribute 'ui'` AttributeError at startup is not detected by the test suite because it happens only in a multi-threaded environment, e.g. under `mod_wsgi`. - `'module' object has no attribute 'CalendarPanel'` (AttributeError at /api/reception/CoachingsByClient) - `AttrDict instance has no key 'PanelCalendars'` (AttributeError at faggio-demo /restful/cal/PanelCalendars) - `unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'int'` (TypeError at faggio-demo /api/courses/PendingRequestedEnrolments/69) - :ref:`belref` had only about 30 countries instead of the usual 300 New feature: - The online demo of :ref:`welfare` had always been running with `use_eidreader=False` since the applet anyway requires manual client authentication and might even cause the browser to hang when the permission is not given. So now, `Site` needs a way to "hide" the "eidreader" app without overriding :setting:`get_installed_plugins`: New setting :setting:`hidden_apps`.