===================================== 20131123 (Saturday, 23 November 2013) ===================================== Moving to Github ---------------- Yesterday was my first (Python) project which I published on **github**, not on googlecode. Which required a little change in :mod:`atelier` to have the :file:`README` file's extension be `.rst` instead of `.txt` (to instruct github to use the right parser) when `env.use_mercurial` is False. Now I also moved Lino itself to Github. Summary: - Last checkin to Googlecode to have a clean local copy Then rename the current lino $ cd ~/hgwork $ mv lino lino.hg - http://hivelogic.com/articles/converting-from-mercurial-to-git create virgin git and import lino.hg into it (I had to `deactivate` my default virtual environment to avoid ImportError in `osutil`) - https://help.github.com/articles/importing-an-external-git-repository upload virgin git to github - remove local copy of virgin git and git clone from github:: Details: create virgin git and import lino.hg into it -------------------------------------------- Note that some day (but not right now) I plan to rename :file:`~/hgwork` to :file:`~/repos` (or something similar) to express the fact that it contains repositories of different types. cd ~/hgwork mv lino lino.hg git clone git://repo.or.cz/fast-export.git git init git_repo cd git_repo ~/hgwork/fast-export/hg-fast-export.sh -r ~/hgwork/lino.hg git checkout HEAD First attempt (into the lino repository cloned from githubs lino project):: Exporting tag [v0.8.2] at [hg r1069] [git :1070] Exporting tag [v0.8.3] at [hg r1090] [git :1091] Exporting tag [v0.8.5] at [hg r1128] [git :1129] Exporting tag [v0.8.10] at [hg r1184] [git :1185] Exporting tag [v0.8.11] at [hg r1187] [git :1188] Exporting tag [v0.8.12] at [hg r1222] [git :1223] Exporting tag [1.4.2] at [hg r2422] [git :2423] Exporting tag [1.5.5] at [hg r3255] [git :3256] Exporting tag [1.5.6] at [hg r3259] [git :3260] Issued 3833 commands warning: Not updating refs/heads/master (new tip ccdce86e97d86ce67836d9810e341fc84f82896c does not contain 2321e1e9b7c290b0a7e94ce21f416e011f48f54e) git-fast-import statistics: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alloc'd objects: 90000 Total objects: 89638 ( 7149 duplicates ) blobs : 38214 ( 6109 duplicates 24580 deltas of 36974 attempts) trees : 47600 ( 1040 duplicates 32545 deltas of 44715 attempts) commits: 3824 ( 0 duplicates 0 deltas of 0 attempts) tags : 0 ( 0 duplicates 0 deltas of 0 attempts) Total branches: 10 ( 1 loads ) marks: 1048576 ( 3824 unique ) atoms: 3460 Memory total: 5665 KiB pools: 2149 KiB objects: 3515 KiB --------------------------------------------------------------------- pack_report: getpagesize() = 4096 pack_report: core.packedGitWindowSize = 33554432 pack_report: core.packedGitLimit = 268435456 pack_report: pack_used_ctr = 172323 pack_report: pack_mmap_calls = 25237 pack_report: pack_open_windows = 8 / 8 pack_report: pack_mapped = 210264363 / 218881666 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Second attempt (in a virgin repo):: master: Exporting simple delta revision 3819/3824 with 0/1/0 added/changed/removed files master: Exporting simple delta revision 3820/3824 with 1/3/0 added/changed/removed files master: Exporting simple delta revision 3821/3824 with 4/2/0 added/changed/removed files master: Exporting simple delta revision 3822/3824 with 2/5/0 added/changed/removed files master: Exporting simple delta revision 3823/3824 with 4/3/1 added/changed/removed files master: Exporting simple delta revision 3824/3824 with 4/12/0 added/changed/removed files Exporting tag [v0.8.2] at [hg r1069] [git :1070] Exporting tag [v0.8.3] at [hg r1090] [git :1091] Exporting tag [v0.8.5] at [hg r1128] [git :1129] Exporting tag [v0.8.10] at [hg r1184] [git :1185] Exporting tag [v0.8.11] at [hg r1187] [git :1188] Exporting tag [v0.8.12] at [hg r1222] [git :1223] Exporting tag [1.4.2] at [hg r2422] [git :2423] Exporting tag [1.5.5] at [hg r3255] [git :3256] Exporting tag [1.5.6] at [hg r3259] [git :3260] Issued 3833 commands git-fast-import statistics: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Alloc'd objects: 90000 Total objects: 89638 ( 7149 duplicates ) blobs : 38214 ( 6109 duplicates 24580 deltas of 36974 attempts) trees : 47600 ( 1040 duplicates 32545 deltas of 44715 attempts) commits: 3824 ( 0 duplicates 0 deltas of 0 attempts) tags : 0 ( 0 duplicates 0 deltas of 0 attempts) Total branches: 10 ( 1 loads ) marks: 1048576 ( 3824 unique ) atoms: 3460 Memory total: 5665 KiB pools: 2149 KiB objects: 3515 KiB --------------------------------------------------------------------- pack_report: getpagesize() = 4096 pack_report: core.packedGitWindowSize = 33554432 pack_report: core.packedGitLimit = 268435456 pack_report: pack_used_ctr = 168493 pack_report: pack_mmap_calls = 25219 pack_report: pack_open_windows = 4 / 8 pack_report: pack_mapped = 109588551 / 218881666 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Push the history to my lino project on github:: luc@hoppel:~/hgwork/lino$ git push --mirror https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/lino.git Username for 'https://github.com': lsaffre Password for 'https://lsaffre@github.com': Counting objects: 89638, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (26560/26560), done. Writing objects: 100% (89638/89638), 152.47 MiB | 546 KiB/s, done. Total 89638 (delta 57125), reused 89638 (delta 57125) To https://gitlab.com/lino-framework/lino.git + 2321e1e...ccdce86 master -> master (forced update) * [new tag] 1.4.2 -> 1.4.2 * [new tag] 1.5.5 -> 1.5.5 * [new tag] 1.5.6 -> 1.5.6 * [new tag] v0.8.10 -> v0.8.10 * [new tag] v0.8.11 -> v0.8.11 * [new tag] v0.8.12 -> v0.8.12 * [new tag] v0.8.2 -> v0.8.2 * [new tag] v0.8.3 -> v0.8.3 * [new tag] v0.8.5 -> v0.8.5 luc@hoppel:~/hgwork/lino$ Remove local copy of virgin git and git clone from github:: $ cd ~/hgwork $ mv lino lino.2 $ git clone git@github.com:lsaffre/lino.git