================================== 20131021 (Monday, 21 October 2013) ================================== Calendar module --------------- Continued on :ref:`faggio`. - `SiteConfig.site_calendar` - :meth:`lino_xl.lib.cal_event.Event.get_conflicting_events` Authentication against an LDAP server --------------------------------------- Thanks to Josef Kejzlar LDAP is now among Lino's out-of-the-box authentication methods. He contributed a snippet which I integrated into Lino as a new setting :setting:`ldap_auth_server` (and a new middleware :class:`lino.core.auth.LDAPAuthMiddleware` which is automatically being installed). When using the latest development version you should be able to use it by specifying in your :xfile:`settings.py`:: ldap_auth_server = 'DOMAIN_NAME SERVER_DNS' The :setting:`auth_middleware` setting is still useful in case somebody wants to use yet another custom authentication method. Internal changes: - moved `make_permission_handler` and `make_view_permission_handler` from :mod:`lino.core.auth` to :mod:`lino.core.perms`. - I used the fact that Django *instantiates* the MW classes at server startup in order to import the module and acquire domain credentials (`creds = Creds(domain)`) only once. I don't know how expensive this is, but now it is no longer done for every request. This required to change the `authenticate` methods of :class:`AuthMiddleWareBase ` and subclasses into instance methods. (Don't remember why they were class methods). A new user group in :ref:`welfare` ---------------------------------- Murphy's law on the field. Here is a user request for :ref:`welfare`: Roger vom ASD teilte mir gerade mit, dass der ASD anscheinend auch Zugriffe zu den Kursen und dem Reiter "Sprachen" braucht. This functionality had until now been covered by the "integ" group. But there was already a custom menu header "Courses" of the main menu. So I added a new