================================= 20130830 (Friday, 30 August 2013) ================================= - Added Enrolment.amount - "Confirm"-Aktion auf Enrolment druckt jetzt keine Einschreibebestätigung mehr aus, sondern das ist lediglich eine interne Bestätigung: Monique bestätigt, dass dieser Schüler an diesem Kurs zu diesem Preis teilnehmen darf und fakturiert werden kann. Es gibt auch einen Button "Alle bestätigen". - Neues Feld "Fakturationsadresse" pro Schüler. - The "Confirm all" action on Enrolments in :mod:`lino.modlib.courses.models` didn't work at first, I had to rediscover certain possibilities of defining custom actions. - Renamed `AuthorRowAction` to `AuthorAction` and `RowAction` to :class:`Action `. - Updated `djangosite` documentation and changed a few rather internal function signatures. - Instantiating a `djangosite.Site` no longer sets a trivial default value for `SECRET_KEY`. I started to understand that this "feature" which I added :blogref:`20130409` might offend people who are more concerned about security than me. So I removed it again. And instead added trivial SECRET_KEY in certain :xfile:`settings.py` files used for testing and documentation. On a production site I recommend to set this either in the :xfile:`djangosite_local.py` file:: def setup_site(self): self.django_settings.update(SECRET_KEY='?~hdakl123ASD%#¤/&¤') This will set the same SECRET_KEY for all projects on that server. Or, if you prefer to use environment variables:: import os def setup_site(self): self.django_settings.update(SECRET_KEY=os.environ.get('DJANGO_SECRET_KEY'))