================================== 20130717 (Wednesday, 17 July 2013) ================================== Update your :meth:`get_installed_plugins ` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After yesterday's changes, some tests were failing because :mod:`lino.ui` is no longer automatically being yielded by :meth:`lino.ui.Site.get_installed_plugins`. This change was necessary because otherwise it was impossible to override the "ui" app (and :mod:`lino_welfare` now does exactly that). This forced me to tidy up a few things. I decided that :mod:`lino.ui` is no longer an app. The models SiteConfig, HelpText and TextFieldTemplate and some system fixtures and tests are now defined in a new module :mod:`lino.modlib.system`. References to these models have now the app_label "system" and no longer "ui". The :mod:`lino.ui` module remains, but it is no longer a Django app. It is an important core module. :class:`lino.ui.Site` is the base for all Lino Site classes. The separation between :class:`lino.Site` and :class:`lino.ui.Site` is currently not important. It exists theoretically in case one day somebody comes who wants Lino, but wants to write her own user interface. Existing Lino applications must add :mod:`lino.modlib.system` to the list of apps yielded by :meth:`lino.ui.Site.get_installed_plugins`. More detailed instructions in :lino:`/changes`. Klientengespräche und Gäste in Lino-Welfare (weiter) ---------------------------------------------------- So. Nachdem wir die oben beschriebenen "kleinen technischen Details" geregelt haben, können wir weitermachen mit dem Empfangsmodul bzw. den Neuerungen im Kalendermodul. :class:`welfare.cal.Calendar` hat jetzt ein neues Feld `invite_client`, welches für Klientengespräche angekreuzt ist (zumindest in der Demo-Datenbank. Produktionsdaten nach Release manuell anpassen). Die Demo-Termine hatten keinen Klienten. Jetzt wohl. Die Tabelle der Gäste eines Termins hat jetzt ein Detail-Layout. CreateMail didn't work. New setting :attr:`lino.ui.Site.demo_email` used by :mod:`lino.modlib.system.fixtures.demo` and :mod:`lino_welfare.fixtures.demo` Lino-Welfare has two new SiteConfig fields client_guestrole and team_guestrole. In der Demo-Datenbank gibt es jetzt sinnvolere Gastrollen. "Reiseführer" und "Teilnehmer" sind raus. Neue Rollen sind "Besucher" und "Kollege". Von der Gastrolle hängt die Formulierung der Einladung ab. TODO: Templates "Visitor.eml.html" und "Colleague.eml.html" `jinja_templates` directories versus `config` directories --------------------------------------------------------- Until now, all Jinja templates were in `jinja_templates` directories while "config files" (such as `.odt` templates for :mod:`lino.mixins.printable`) were in `config` directories. Now these trees are merged: existing applications must rename each `jinja_templates` directory to `config` (or, if a sibling `config` directory already exists, merge the `jinja_templates` content to `content`). These directory trees work like Django's `templates` loading algorithm but with subtle differences, the biggerst one being that you can have "per-setting" and "local" config trees. For both types of files Lino has a separate algorithm to load these trees at startup. These algorithms are in :mod:`lino.core.web` for Jinja templates and in :mod:`lino.utils.config` for config files directories.