=============================== 20130623 (Sunday, 23 June 2013) =============================== Lino learns Portuguese (continued) ---------------------------------- :mod:`lino.management.commands.show`: added new command-line parameter `--language` and optimized it to not do things which are done by :meth:`lino.core.requests.BaseRequest.spawn`. Added a project :mod:`lino.projects.i18n` and a tested docs page :ref:`lino.tested.i18n`. Found the explanation why Django doesn't find the `pt-br` locales: because Lino had no `pt` locale. - In Django you cannot have a variant of a language without having the base language. The advantage of this sophistication is that `pt-br` automatically inherits from `pt`. Flavio, what's the difference between Brazilian Portuguese and plain Portuguese? Are you able to maintain both locales? The :ref:`lino.tested.i18n` page was still failing because :meth:`atelier.test.TestCase.run_simple_doctests` uses `python -m doctest` which doesn't let us specify an input encoding for the file. It was a well-known bug that :meth:`atelier.test.TestCase.run_simple_doctests` didn't yet support non-ascii characters. Now it does. Had to add a new module :mod:`atelier.doctest_utf8` for this. Because we need to run each doctest in a separate subprocess and because the command-line interface of `python -m doctest` has no way to specify an encoding of the input file. Checked in revision `f4205eee7d76 `__ for Flavio to test.