================================= 20130622 (Saturday, 22 June 2013) ================================= Lino learns Portuguese ---------------------- Added pt-br to the list of supported locales: - .po and .mo files contributed by Flavio - `env.languages` in :file:`fabfile.py` Demo users in :mod:`lino.ui.fixtures.demo` : Added a warning "No demo user for language %r." to be issued when :setting:`languages` contains an unsupported language. Added a fictive demo user "Ronaldo Rosa" for `pt-br`. Added `pt-br` as language in :mod:`lino.projects.min1.settings`. Added this blog entry to the list of tested docs which makes it part of the test suite. When working on it I do:: $ python setup.py test -s tests.BlogTest.test_20130622 (EDIT: later I removed the entry again. The following snippets are now obsolete and no longer being tested and are only for history documentation purposes.) .. first some general stuff >>> import os >>> os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'lino.projects.min1.settings' >>> from lino.api.shell import * >>> from django.test import Client >>> client = Client() >>> ses = settings.SITE.login('ronaldo') >>> ses.set_language('pt-br') Django silently ignores it when you try to activate an invalid language, so we explicitely test whether pt-br is activated: >>> from django.utils import translation >>> translation.get_language() 'pt-br' The following table should render in Portuguese: >>> ses.show('users.UsersOverview') ================= ================== ========== Nome de usuário Perfil do usuário Idioma ----------------- ------------------ ---------- robin Administrator en ronaldo Administrator pt-br ================= ================== ========== But it doesn't (the above snippet fails). And the same table in German? This works: >>> ses.set_language('de') >>> ses.show('users.UsersOverview') ============== ================ ========= Benutzername Benutzerprofil Sprache -------------- ---------------- --------- robin Administrator en ronaldo Administrator pt-br ============== ================ ========= Hm... still meditating on that (no checkin).