================================== 20130612 (Wednesday, 12 June 2013) ================================== Lino-Welfare: - Fixed a little bug: the `admin_main.html` template of Lino-Welfare displayed :class:`welfare.pcsw.UsersWithClients` also to users without permission to view it. - DispensesByClient and ActivityReport had wrong `required`. Framework: - Lino is now able to render `GenericForeignKey` fields correctly in a Grid. - Removed a temporary exception "20120521 More than 300 items in %s" Lino-Faggio: - The `invoiceable` field (a `GenericForeignKey`) is now rendered using a clickable link to the invoiceable's detail window. TODO: - The "Fill" action is not enough: we need a main menu action "generate all invoiceable invoices", a table of all invoiceables, ... - Move the "invoiceable" code from :mod:`lino_faggio.models` to :mod:`lino.modlib.trading`